2023 | December
In September 2022, the United Nations urged its member states to develop innovative solutions for peace financing that take the private sector into account. In response to this, Germany, together with its partners, has set up the Investing for Peace (#I4P) Initiative.
In collaboration with the United Nations Peacebuilding (UNPBSO) and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) is working on implementing a peace-positive specialised investment vehicle. The I4P initiative aims to establish a robust mechanism for investments that contribute positively to peace in fragile and conflict-affected areas. Germany is allocating EUR 12 million for this purpose, which will flow to UNCDF as an implementing partner.
One year after the GFFO and UNPBSO Investing for Peace Conference in Berlin, Germany is pleased to take the next step on I4P in partnership with Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), local investors, civil society, the UN, and its member states.